Understand your future health risks
Taking medication (if needed)

Sometimes, healthy eating and physical activity alone are not enough to keep blood glucose levels in the target range. Your doctor may suggest medication to help manage gestational diabetes.
Checking your blood glucose levels

Checking your blood glucose is an important part of managing gestational diabetes.
Doing regular physical activity

Physical activity can help you manage your blood glucose levels and pregnancy weight gain, as well as keep you fit to prepare for the birth of your baby.
Eating the right balance of healthy foods

When you have gestational diabetes, following a healthy eating plan can help to keep your blood glucose levels within the target range, provide nutrition for you and your growing baby and achieve appropriate weight changes during your pregnancy.
Physiotherapist or exercise physiologist

May help you prepare for the birth process and advise on exercise during and after pregnancy

Will provide support, care, and advice during pregnancy, labour, and after your baby is born

A specialist doctor who can provide medical care for your pregnancy and birth
General practitioner (GP)

Your regular doctor who can support your general medical care during pregnancy and after your baby is born

Will help you with a healthy eating and weight gain advice for your pregnancy