Salad roll and fruit

1 small whole grain bread roll filled with boiled egg/tinned salmon tuna/freshly cooked chicken with salad, plus 1 serve of whole fresh fruit
Vitaweats, fruit and yoghurt

4 Vita-WeatsTM with avocado, tomato and hard cheese, plus 100gram (g) tub fruit yoghurt and 1 serve of whole fresh fruit
Pasta salad

1 cup cooked pasta, tinned tuna and salad vegetables served with olive oil vinaigrette
Vegetable lentil soup

1 medium bowl (2 cups) homemade vegetable and lentil soup, plus 1 slice whole grain bread
Homemade rice paper rolls

3 homemade rice paper rolls filled with freshly cooked skinless chicken/lean meat with vermicelli noodles, salad and herbs.
Salad and cheese sandwich

2 slices whole grain bread with salad and hard cheese, plus 1 serve of whole fresh fruit.
Curry with roti

Curry made with lean meat/chicken/fish/tofu + 2-3 thin, small (15cm) chapatti made using lower GI atta, served with green vegetables or salad.